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a traditional unit of mass or weight in countries of the former Yugoslavia. Originally mean: weight could be carried by a wagon. It is now defined to be equal to the dekatonne, that is, 10 metric tons or 22 046.23 pounds avoirdupois
a traditional unit of distance in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries. In Spanish Latin America, it was generally about 33 inches or a little longer. In southern South America the vara was usually about 34 inches (86.4 centimeters). The Spanish vara is shorter; it equals 32.908 inches or 83.587 centimeters. The Portuguese vara is much longer: equals 5 palmos or about 110 centimeters (43.3 inches). The word vara means a stick or pole.
a traditional Russian unit of volume, equals to 100 charki,  about 12.30 liters (3.249 U.S. liquid gallons or 2.706 British imperial gallons). In Bulgaria, the vedro has been used informally as the dekaliter (exactly 10 liters or 2.642 U.S. liquid gallons). The word vedro means a bucket.
an old name for the yard, taken from the Latin word virga for a twig or stick. In French, verge is the word for the English yard.
vershok or verchok
a  Russian unit of distance, equals to 1/16 arshin, 1.75 inches or 4.445 centimeters. The plural is vershki.
verst, versta, vehrsta
a traditional Russian unit (vehrsta) of distance.  The verst equals 1500 arshin,  3500 feet, 0.662 88 mile, or 1066.8 meters. verst is common in English, werst in German, virsta in Finnish. The Russian plural is vehrsty.
a traditional unit of volume in Northern Europe. The Danish viertel equals 8 pots or about 7.74 liters (2.04 U.S. liquid gallons or 1.70 British imperial gallons). In Switzerland the viertel is 40 schoppen, 15 liters (3.9626 U.S. liquid gallons or 3.3000 British imperial gallons). It is a unit of volume for wine in Austria, equal to  1/4 liter (250 milliliters), about 8.45 U.S. fluid ounces.
the SI unit of electric potential. Electric potential  is defined as the amount of potential energy present per unit of charge, measured in volts, with one volt representing a potential of one joule per coulomb of charge. The name of the unit honors the Italian scientist Count Alessandro Volta (1745-1827), the inventor of the first battery.
volt ampere
a unit of electrical load used in power engineering.  The product of the potential and the actual current is the load, in volt amperes.


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