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a traditional Arab weight unit equal to about 2.04 pounds or 925 grams.
a Norwegian word for "measure," As a land measure, the mål is the same as the dekare, that is, exactly 1000 square meters (0.1 hectare or 0.2471 acre). As a unit of volume, it is equal to the dekaliter (10 liters).
a traditional German unit of quantity equal to 15.
man hour
a common unit of labor equal to the work of one person for one hour. The less restrictive term person hour is gradually coming into use.
an unit of distance used in athletics. It is exactly 42 195 meters (about half an inch longer than 26 miles 385 yards). Invented for the first modern Olympic Games at Athens in 1896, the marathon recalls a run made in 490 BC by a Greek soldier to bring to Athens the news of the Greek victory over the Persians at the Battle of Marathon.
a  unit of area in Pakistan. It was standardized, and  equal to the square rod, 272.25 square feet, 30.25 square yards, or 25.2929 square meters.
a traditional unit of mass in India and Pakistan, standardized under British rule as 15 grains, 1/12 tola, or about 0.972 gram. In Pakistan, the unit is still used sometimes for the weight of precious metals.
maß (mass)
a unit of volume for beer in Germany and Austria, usually equal to one liter today. The traditional Bavarina maß was about 1.07 liters.
a  unit of weight in India and throughout South Asia. The maund varied considerably, but during the period of British rule in India it was standardized at about 82.286 pounds or 37.3242 kilograms. The maund is divided into 40 seers. Since 1980, Pakistan has used a metric version of the maund qual to exactly 40 kilograms (88.185 pounds), thus making the seer equal to the kilogram.
measurement ton
a unit of volume used for measuring the cargo of a ship, truck, train, or other freight carrier, equal to exactly 40 cubic feet, or approximately 1.1326 cubic meters. This unit was traditionally called a freight ton, but that term now means a metric ton of freight in most international usage. 
a metric prefix meaning 106, or one million. It is derived from the Greek word for large, megas.
a common unit of electric resistance equal to one million ohms. It actually called as megaohm.
A traditional distance unit in German speaking countries, the meile is much longer than the mile units of western Europe. Typically the meile was equal to 4000 klafters (fathoms) or 24 000 fuß (German feet), equals to 7586 meters (4.714 miles) In Austria ; 4.6805 miles or 7532.5 meters in northern Germany. 
a huge bottle of champagne, holding about 18 liters.
meter or metre (m)
the metric and SI base unit of distance. Originally, the meter was designed to be one ten-millionth of a quadrant, the distance between the Equator and the North Pole.  For a long time, the meter was precisely defined as the length of an actual object, a bar kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris.  However, the SI base units have been redefined in abstract terms so they can be reproduced to any desired level of accuracy in a well-equipped laboratory. The 17th General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1983 defined the meter as that distance that makes the speed of light in a vacuum equal to exactly 299 792 458 meters per second. 

The meter is equal to approximately 1.093 613 3 yards, 3.280 840 feet, or 39.370 079 inches. Its name comes from the Latin metrum and the Greek metron, both meaning "measure." The unit is spelled meter in the U.S. and metre in Britain.
metric carat
the currently called carat, equal to exactly 200 milligrams.
metric grain
a unit of mass sometimes used by jewelers, equal to 50 milligrams or 1/4 carat. It is often used for pearls and is sometimes called the pearl grain.
metric horsepower
a unit of power, defined to be the power required to raise a mass of 75 kilograms at a velocity of 1 meter per second. It is approximately 735.499 watts or 0.986 32 horsepower. 
metric mile
an informal unit of distance used mostly in athletics. The metric mile is equal to 1500 meters or 1.5 kilometers (approximately 0.932 057 statute mile or 4921.26 feet). In U.S. high school competition the term is sometimes used for a race of 1600 meters (0.994 194 miles or 5249.34 feet).
metric pound
an informal name for a mass of 500 grams (0.5 kilogram or 1.1023 pound).
metric ton
an alternate name for the tonne.
micro- (µ- or mc- or u-)
a metric prefix meaning 10-6 (one millionth). The prefix comes from the Greek prefix mikro-, meaning small. In print the prefix is sometimes abbreviated mc- or u- when the Greek letter mu (µ) is not available.
micromicro- (µµ-)
an obsolete metric prefix denoting 10-12. The prefix has been replaced by pico- (p-).
the traditional Italian mile. The miglio equals 1628 yards, which is 0.925 English mile or about 1488.6 meters. This is 32 yards (29.3 meters) shorter than the classical Roman mile.
a unit of distance equal to 0.001 inch: a "milli-inch".

One mil is exactly 25.4 microns, just as one inch is exactly 25.4 millimeters.
a traditional unit of distance. The word comes from the Latin word for 1000, mille.   In medieval Britain, several mile units were used, including a mile of 5000 feet (1524 meters). The modern mile defined as 8 furlongs (1609 meters), there are longer miles such as the French mille (1949 meters),  the Scottish mile (1814 meters) and the Irish mile (2048 meters). In 1592, Parliament in England  defined the statute mile to be 8 furlongs, 80 chains, 320 rods, 1760 yards or 5280 feet. The statute mile is exactly 1609.344 meters. In athletics, races of 1500 or 1600 meters are often called metric miles.
mile per gallon
the unit  used in the United States to measure the fuel efficiency of motor vehicles. 1 mile per gallon equals about 0.4252 kilometers per liter.
mile per hour
a traditional unit of velocity. One mile per hour equals exactly 22/15 feet per second, 1.609 kilometers per hour (km/h), or exactly 0.447 04 meter per second (m/s).
the Portuguese mile, 2282.75 yards (1.297 statute miles or 2087.3 meters).
the  Spanish mile, equal to 5000 pies (Spanish feet) or 8 estadios. This is about 1392 meters, 4567 feet, or 0.865 statute mile.
the traditional French mile, equal to 1000 toises. This is equal to about 6394.4 feet, 1.211 statute mile, or 1949 meters. In modern France, the mille sometimes means the nautical mile (mille marin ), equal to exactly 1852 meters.
a unit of quantity equal to 1000.
a traditional unit of time equal to 1000 years. The plural is millennia or sometimes millenniums.
milli- (m-)
a metric prefix meaning 0.001 (one thousandth). The prefix was coined from the Latin number mille, one thousand.
milliliter (ml or mL)
common metric unit of volume. One milliliter equals 0.001 liter, exactly one cubic centimeter (cm3 or cc), or approximately 0.061 023 7 cubic inch or 16.231 U.S. minims (see below). The milliliter is used almost entirely for measuring the volumes of liquids, with solids being measured in cubic centimeters.
millimass unit
a unit of mass equal to 0.001 atomic mass unit, used in physics and chemistry. This unit is also called the millidalton (mDa).
millimeter (mm)
a very common metric unit of distance. One millimeter equals 0.001 meter, 0.1 centimeter, about 0.039 370 inch, or 39.370 mils.
millisecond (ms or msec)
a common unit of time equal to 0.001 second.
a historic unit of weight, originating in Babylonia and used throughout the eastern Mediterranean. It varied quite a bit. In Babylonian times it was a large unit, roughly 2 pounds, almost as much as a kilogram. The Hebrew mina, frequently mentioned in the Bible, is estimated at 499 grams (1.10 pounds). The Greek mina was equal to 100 drachmai or 431 grams (0.95 pound). In Biblical times, the mina was equal to 60 shekels, and there were 60 minas in a talent.
a traditional unit of volume used for very small quantities of liquids. In pharmacy, the term drop traditionally meant the same thing as 1 minim. The word comes from the Latin minimus, small.

minim is also a unit of relative time in music equal to 1/2 whole note (a half note) or 1/4 breve.
minute (') 
a historic unit of proportion equal to 1/60. A 60th part was called a pars minuta prima ("first small part") of the whole. For smaller fractions, a 60th part was divided into 60 smaller parts, each called a pars minuta secunda ("second small part"). The minuta prima has come down to us as "minute," the minuta secunda is our "second," and the prima leads to the traditional symbol ' being called a "prime."

as a unit of time, minute equal to 60 seconds or to 1/60 hour. 

as a unit of angular measure, minute equal to 60 arcseconds or to 1/60 degree. This unit is often called the arcminute to distinguish it from the minute of time. There are 21 600 arcminutes in a circle.
a unit of time equal to 1/10 hour in medieval times, or 6 minutes in modern terminology. This unit was divided into 4 moments.
a traditional Hebrew unit of quantity equal to 10, the number of males aged 13 or over required for a Jewish worship service.
a traditional unit of distance in East Africa, standardized under British rule as 1/2 yard (18 inches, or 45.72 centimeters). This unit is an African version of the cubit.
symbol for the millimeter of mercury, a unit of pressure equal to 133.3 pascals.
a unit of volume for raw cotton in the U.S. When cotton is harvested, machinery is used to compact it into bundles called modules for transportation to the gin. A cotton module is 8 ft by 8 ft by 20 ft, or 1280 cubic feet (about 36.25 cubic meters).
another name for a half, from the French moitié.
Hebrew name for the lunar (synodic) month, 29.530 59 days, is crucial in the regulation of the Jewish lunisolar calendar.
mole (mol)
the SI base unit of the amount of a substance. Moles measure the actual number of atoms or molecules in an object. An alternate name is gram molecular weight .
a medieval unit of time equal to 1/40 hour or 1.5 minutes. This meaning has come down to us only as "a brief interval of time." The moment was divided into 12 ounces of 7.5 seconds each.
a unit of time marked by the revolution of the Moon around the Earth. The lunar month is defined as the average interval between two successive moments of New Moon. Astronomers call this period the synodic month. Its length is 29.530 59 days.

a civil unit of time equal to approximately 1/12 year, but varying from 28 to 31 days. A solar year equals approximately 12.368 lunar months. The large fraction in this number makes it difficult to design a calendar with a whole number of months in each year.
a traditional unit of land area in Northern Europe. "Morgen" means "morning,"  likely the unit arose as the area a yoke of oxen could plow in one morning. The Dutch morgen, also used in Dutch colonies including old New York, equals about 2.10 acres or 0.850 hectare. In Austria and southern Germany, the morgen was often the same as a joch,  defined to be 0.5755 hectare or about 1.422 acres.
a common U.S. abbreviation for the metric ton or tonne (1000 kilograms).
mu or mou
a traditional unit of land area in China. The traditional mu is about 675 square meters or 800 square yards. However, the colonial customs authorities used a larger mu equal to 8273.75 square feet, 919.3 square yards, or 768.65 square meters. In modern China, the mu is often reckoned to be exactly 1/15 hectare, which is 666.667 square meters or 797.327 square yards.
a traditional Dutch unit of volume for grains and other dry commodities. Originally varying from market to market, the unit was declared equal to the hectoliter (about 3.5315 cubic feet or 2.838 U.S. bushels) when the metric system was introduced in the Netherlands. With this definition it is still in use.


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